Update on Current Practice:

In response to COVID-19, all sessions have been moved to Telehealth Counseling until further notice. Please contact your clinician directly, or call our main office to learn more or ask any questions. Thank you.

  • Beginner’s Guide to Focusing on Mental Health

    These days, many people focus on their physical health. But few give much attention, if any, to their mental health.

    What does mental health refer to? Mental health describes a person’s overall psychological health and well-being. It has much to do with the way you feel about yourself, your ability to manage your emotions, how you deal with challenges and the relationships you nurture.

    While most people will experience mental health challenges at some point in their life, those who give no attention to their mental health could experience anxiety and depression. If focusing on mental health is a new topic for you, here are some tips to help you along:

    Connect vs. Isolate

    Nothing keeps our mood elevated like the feeling of being connected – truly connected – to other people. While texting and social media have their place, be sure to spend quality face-to-face time with friends and loved ones. When overwhelmed, it may feel safer to distance yourself from others, but in reality, you can be compounding the stress. It’s important to connect with the right people. For example, those in your life that are loving and supportive rather than those who put you down.

    Make R&R a Priority

    Are you someone that burns the candle at both ends? Most people are. Good mental health requires you to get enough leisure time so you can rest and contemplate. If you’re guilty of being “too busy,” start spending more time relaxing. This could mean taking off days from work ahead of time to plan for your relaxation.

    Eat Healthy

    Have you ever noticed when you eat processed comfort foods, you tend to feel unwell physically and mentally? Sugary foods are bad for our mental health. That’s why it’s so important to eat wholesome, nutritious foods like grassfed meats and organic fruits and veggies! The state of our gut impacts the state of our mind. Processed foods can be addicting… if this is something that is difficult for you to break out of, consider discussing with your therapist to learn how manage cravings and make healthier choices.

    Stay Active 

    Physical activity is as important for your mental health as it is for your physical health. Regular exercise can relieve stress, elevate mood, and even help you get a better night’s sleep. Movement is healing.

    These are just some of the ways you can ensure your mental health is optimized. You may also want to speak with a licensed mental health therapist who can provide tools and a safe space to work through what’s troubling you.

    If you’d like to explore therapy as an option, please give my office a call.



