This article will help you listen out for anxiety provoking themes, learn how to recognize them and how to start moving them out of your life forever!
Anxiety is a liar!!!
Anxiety is a liar!!! It will tell you a story of doom and gloom. Some people call it that “little voice in their head,” it’s that story that runs when we are doing something new or uncomfortable. It also runs when we are tending to the every day. When starting a new job, going on a date, giving a presentation, talking to friend, or watching our kids get on the school bus, to name just a few. There are no novel or common experiences that are immune to anxious thoughts. By recognizing these 2 specific themes, you will be able to recognize the thoughts as anxious thoughts. Therefore, increasing awareness that the story is not true. By reminding ourselves these specific themes are anxiety lying to you, we can begin to redirect them, to create less anxiety and stress, and increase calm and confidence.